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Great Flute Duos From the Orchestral Repertoire

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Theodore Presser Company
Great Flute Duos From the Orchestral Repertoire

Excerpts for Principal, Second, and Alto Flute Auditions. Composed by etc., Gustavus Holst, Nikolai Rimsky Korsakov, Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), Hector Berlioz (1803-1869), Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901), Bedrich Smetana (1824-1884), Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), Georges Bizet (1838-1875), Richard Strauss (1864-1949), Maurice Ravel (1875-1937), Bela Bartok (1881-1945), Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953), Benjamin Britten (1913-1976), and Felix Bartholdy Mendelssohn (1809-1847). Edited by Daniel Dorff Dilshad Posnock. PB Main, SWS Inserts. Back To School. Classical. Set of parts. With Standard notation. Composed 2000. 87 pages. Theodore Presser Company #414-41186. Published by Theodore Presser Company (PR.414411860). etc.

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